

Global Meeting in Istanbul Turkey

The Digital Learning Research Lab Team from academic institutions worldwide presented their research on inclusive education and equitable practices in schools at a global meeting organized by the Network Improvement Communities (NIC) project. The team aimed to address barriers to…

Stakeholders meeting in Sindhuli

Stakeholders meeting was held  on April 29 2023 in Sindhuli and led by Hari sir and Sushil Sir. All the stakeholders expressed their opinions , concerns and future scope of this project. They detailly interacted about the impacts this project…

School Leaders Training in Sindhuli

School leaders training was conducted by Devi Ram sir which was supported by Hari Sir and Sushil Sir on April 29,2023.How to answer the question in the open course or how can they engage more on the moodle was discussed…

Enumerators training in Sindhuli

Enumerators training was held on April 28,2023 in Sindhuli where it was led by Pratit Raj Giri and Dristi Thapa. The Enumerator also shared their experience.The proceedings of the second phase were also briefed.